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  • What are some of the common pests that you treat?
    Ants, Sowbugs, Pillbugs, Millipedes, Centipedes, Boxelder Bugs, Cockroaches, Spiders, Crickets, Silverfish, Firebrats, Flies, Bees, Wasps, Ticks, Fleas, Asian Beatles, Mosquitoes, Termites and a number of other local pests and rodents.
  • Why should the outisde rather than the inside of my home or business be treated for pests?
    By treating the exterior of your home or business, pests can be stopped in their tracks before they ever get inside and invade your family’s living space where they can potentially cause problems and even damage.
  • If I already have some pests inside my home or business, can the inside be treated to control the pests? "
    Yes, we can spray the interior to control pests who have already made their way into the structure. We use an interior spray, which is odorless and doesn’t stain. It is approved to be used in food preparation area’s and can to be used around pets and children after a short wait, and it’s plant friendly!
  • What should I do to prepare for a treatment application?
    One of the best things about perimeter pest control is how easy it is on you. If you do not require an interior treatment, where you may be required to move or cover certain items, there is little preparation on your part prior to Fanchers Services applying the treatment. Simply make the perimeter of the structure accessible to our applicator. Another plus, since the exterior of your home or business is being treated, you don’t have to be home while we apply the treatment.
  • Where exactly is the perimeter treatment applied?
    The products we use for perimeter treatments are applied directly on your structures foundation around the exterior. We will also spray around doors, windows, decks, and soffits, and eaves ( if we can reach them). These are the area’s where pest are usually found and can gain entrance into your structure.
  • Will the treatment harm the grass, shrubbery, or flowers around my home or business or discolor the exterior surfaces?"
    We are careful to apply products as directed so that no damage to plants, yards, or surfaces will occur. The products Fanchers Services uses are registered for use and will not mark or stain vinyl, painted, or other finished or unfinished surfaces where water alone does not stain.
  • Should children and pets be kept away from the treated areas?
    Children and pets should be kept out of the treated area until surfaces dry. At that point, they are able to re-occupy the area.
  • Is there any odor with the treatment?
    Very little. One of the advantages of some of the products we use is that there is very little odor. It’s unlikely that you will know it’s there. But the bugs will!
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